
Upcoming Events

People of Power, Walking in the Spirit: Pentecostalism and Communtiy Organising

6.00 pm - 8.00 pm.
Thursday February 27, 2025.
at Hamden Chapel, Lauriston Rd, London E9 7EU

CTC’s William Seymour Project holds the Pentecostal arm of community organising engagement at CTC. We support Pentecostal churches to grow their congregations in number, depth and social impact. We will launch our video report around our learning of community organising in the pentecostal space connecting once again to the roots of the Pentecostal tradition, one of Spirit and Justice.

Previous Events

International Conference: A Politics Rooted in the People

Thursday April 15, 2021.

Organising for Church Growth

Friday October 11, 2024.

Not only with words… Synodality, Community Organising and Catholic Social Action

Wednesday November 20, 2024.

A Faith that does Justice: Education, Social Thought and the Churches today

Tuesday November 26, 2024.