Each month, we post prayer requests for the work of our Jellicoe Interns, and the wider life of the Contextual Theology Centre
Please pray for…
– the Christians in East London who have just begun Building a People of Power, a four-week course on faith and community organising. Pray for all the organising work already going on in these churches – particularly on street safety, affordable housing and the Living Wage. Pray for the course leaders, and ask that the process will yield a deeper engagement with Biblical teaching on social justice, and stronger relationships between the very different congregations who are involved.
– all those who are trapped in a cycle of debt, particularly those who have fallen victim to irresponsible and exploitative lending. Give thanks for churches involved in the Nehemiah 5 Challenge – a Biblical call for a more just financial system, with a cap on interest rates and a responsible banking code.
– all those involved in the planning and delivery of the Near Neighbours programme – especially Susanne Mitchell, Angus Ritchie and Michael Ipgrave in eastern London. Pray that it will build and deepen relationships across faiths and cultures here and in Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester
– the first dozen students chosen to be Jellicoe Interns this July, and the partner churches in which they will be placed
– plans for a Day for Civil Society on 2nd May – that it will be an opportunity to link prayer, reflection and action in a way that deepens our Christian engagement with community organising, and achieves real progress in the struggle for a living wage and responsible banking
– next week’s events in Shadwell, including a relationship building event at Dar-ul-Ummah Mosque (with members of our partner churches, including CTC Manager Ian Bhullar) and the Queen’s visit to the Royal Foundation of St Katharine (home of the Jellicoe Community and of several of our staff and interns)