Prayers for Ash Wednesday and Lent

As part of the Call to Change, the Contextual Theology Centre has produced the following prayers for churches to incorporate in their intercessions on Ash Wednesday or later in Lent.

The prayers ask God’s blessing and protection on those affected most deeply by the financial crisis, and ask for God’s grace in using the season well for individual and corporate repentance:

we give you thanks for this holy season of repentance and renewal.
We ask you for the grace to use it well
– to recognise the wrong turnings in our personal and common life;
– to turn to you for forgiveness and renewal
– to enthrone your Son as Lord, and live as citizens of his Kingdom

Lord, in your mercy
hear our prayer

we place into your hands those  who feel most keenly the effects of the financial crisis, 

in our own land and around the world,
and those who have lived in poverty for many years.
May they know Christ crucified as the One who suffers with them, and the one who comes with justice and with power.

Lord, in your mercy
hear our prayer