Before Christmas, the Contextual Theology Centre produced a resource pack on Christian Responses to the Financial Crisis – endorsed by St Paul’s Cathedral and the Occupy camp on its doorstep. The Centre is continuing to work with the Cathedral and people involved in the camp – to explore how the Christian vision of justice and stewardship can transform our economic order. Pray for this work, and especially today for the sharing of ideas with Christians from cross the Atlantic, as Centre staff meet leaders from Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation.
Pray also for @the Bus Stop, a project in East Bradford that will address the emotional and social needs of young people in six areas which rank within the 2% with the most economic deprivation in the UK. The Church Urban Fund is supporting the project offering advice and support in an area with limited or non-existent provision for young people from any other agencies. Pray for Wellsprings Bradford, the local Christian charity undertaking this and other vital pieces of work.