Prayer diary: Day 13 of Lent

Today, the Contextual Theology Centre is holding a unique seminar in Oxford: bringing a leading Catholic academic from the US together with two former gang members who now worship in one of our partner churches (one is its founding Pastor). The church, ARC in Forest Gate, East London, is involved in outreach to young people caught up in gangs, mentoring work with former gang members, and action with other London Citizens members to make the streets safer. Pray for this work; for today’s seminar, and for Nash, a Jellicoe intern working at ARC on deepening its engagement in community organising.

Pray also for CrossLinks – a community centre based on the Lakes Estate in South Bletchley. The Church Urban Fund is working with Spurgeon Baptist Church to enable the centre to extend its opening hours. This will enable a Parish Nursing Ministry and a formal Assisted Reading Scheme for local children.