Holy Week: The Cross revealing God to us


Our Chaplain, Sr Josephine Canny OA, offers a short reflection for Holy Week…

The wisdom of God is found in the cross.

Jesus heads towards Jerusalem – He is walking ahead of the Disciples.

They follow in a daze.

The crowd is bewildered.

He is heading for death – everyone knows that…

Wisdom lies in going towards our suffering – not running away from it.

(Focus on what you are feeling – not on what you feel you might feel).

A victim is someone who is powerless – Jesus is not a victim.

The death of Jesus is told in the active tense: “He gave up His spirit”.

Pilate proclaims: “Here is Man” not realising the accuracy of his statement;

Through his sacrifice Jesus joins a humanity still disfigured by sin, crucified by sickness or the terrible circumstances of life.


St. Thomas Aquinas tells us that the passion and death of Jesus belong to us as fully as if we had suffered them ourselves

When God the Father looks on us, He cannot distinguish us from Christ…

So we venerate the Cross because it is not a message of death but of life.

Crucifixion was the ultimate form of exclusion.

The intention was that you would never mention their name again – how strange the ways of God.

He chooses the Cross to reveal to us who He is.

Silence seems the only appropriate reaction in face of such a mystery – how appropriate for the Church to leave Holy Saturday “empty”.

Of course we know that Jesus will not remain in the tomb but rise in Glory on Easter Sunday – a feast so great that the church gives us seven weeks to celebrate!

We, too, are invited to cross the threshold of the tomb – if “the Risen One is not here” He is “elsewhere” and we invited to meet Him in “Galilee!”